STRAIGHT exact order |
1 in 10,000 |
$2,500 |
$5,000 |
4-WAY BOX any order, three numbers must be the same. Ex. 1112 |
1 in 2,500 |
$600 |
$1,200 |
6-WAY BOX any order, two pairs of numbers must be the same. Ex. 1122 |
1 in 1,667 |
$400 |
$800 |
12-WAY BOX any order, two numbers must be the same. Ex. 1123 |
1 in 833 |
$200 |
$400 |
24-WAY BOX any order, each number must be unique, Ex. 1234 |
1 in 417 |
$100 |
$200 |
4-WAY STRAIGHT/BOX $0.50 straight and $0.50 box, three numbers must be the same, Ex. 1112 |
1 in 2,500 |
No $0.50 Play |
$3,100 (Straight and Box) or $600 (Box Only) |
6-WAY STRAIGHT/BOX $0.50 straight and $0.50 box, two pairs of numbers must be the same, Ex. 1122 |
1 in 1,667 |
No $0.50 Play |
$2,900 (Straight and Box) or $400 (Box Only) |
12-WAY STRAIGHT/BOX $0.50 straight and $0.50 box, two numbers must be the same, Ex. 1123 |
1 in 833 |
No $0.50 Play |
$2,700 (Straight and Box) or $200 (Box Only) |
24-WAY STRAIGHT/BOX $0.50 straight and $0.50 box, each number must be unique, Ex. 1234 |
1 in 417 |
No $0.50 Play |
$2,600 (Straight and Box) or $100 (Box Only) |
4-WAY COMBO PLAY Straight play for each of 4 ways to win, three numbers must be the same, Ex. 1112 |
1 in 2,500 |
(Ticket Total Price $2) $2,500 |
(Ticket Total Price $4) $5,000 |
6-WAY COMBO PLAY Straight play for each of 6 ways to win, two pairs of numbers must be the same, Ex. 1122 |
1 in 1,667 |
(Ticket Total Price $3) $2,500 |
(Ticket Total Price $6) $5,000 |
12-WAY COMBO PLAY Straight play for each of 12 ways to win, two numbers must be the same, Ex. 1123 |
1 in 833 |
(Ticket Total Price $6) $2,500 |
(Ticket Total Price $12) $5,000 |
24-WAY COMBO PLAY Straight play for each of 24 ways to win, each number must be unique, Ex. 1234 |
1 in 417 |
(Ticket Total Price $12) $2,500 |
(Ticket Total Price $24) $5,000 |